Remember back at the VERY beginning of the blog when I had nightmares about losing control down a hill? No? It's here. And now it's come true. After riding almost 17 miles in the 95 degree heat today, I was feeling it. My legs were tired, there never seemed to be enough water (though I am eternally grateful to the good people at North Baptist Church on Coffee Road for providing us with a pump for water bottle refilling), and the sun was relentless. We were coming down the home-stretch, I knew exactly how many turns we had left (3) and how many hills (1) before reaching the air-conditioned car.
Suddenly, I was gaining speed. Was it dangerous? yes. Did I kind of like it? yes. Was I also so tired that I was losing control of my body and, by default, the bike? yea, maybe a little. The turn was ahead of me and it was sharp. I put on my brakes but a bit too late. The gravel (that is seriously out of nowhere seeing as the rest of the ENTIRE ROAD is perfectly paved... grrr) began flying behind and to either side of my tire and I felt the handlebars give a little pull. I leaned into it, owning the speed, tears of triumph, pain, speed, and trying to get the dirt out of my eyes, were streaming down my cheek. The tire gave. It slid to the right as my body flew to the left. My feet snapped out of the pedals causing the bike to fly off the road. I slammed my knee into the dusty gravel and continued to roll a few times down the hill. Once gravity had finished, my dad come rolling up behind me, blaming the gravel and the tight turn instead of my stupidity and need for speed. He figured my knee, shoulder, and pride had been wounded enough for the time being. After a few (yes, a VERY few) tears and a nice water-bottle squirt to the bloody knee, we finished our ride a little more humble than we had begun it, and a little more slowly.
What's the worst part? The fall restarted the speedometer so I don't even know if we made it to 20 miles today!

My knee after thorough (and painful) cleaning.
Well ok then. That's better.
ReplyDeleteAs you mentioned, I may be the only one reading this (but probably not) but a lot of this is new info to me. Keep blogging- and riding!!
Your mom isn't the only one reading!
ReplyDeleteI am such a wimp, so you doing all this biking is exciting to me. Hope your knee heals quickly!