Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Here. We. Go.

I have been blog neglecting. I admit it. But you should know me well enough by now to expect nothing less.

This is it, the final push. Tomorrow, Thursday, is the last ride we'll take before we start the actual route. We've decided to split it up just a tad. This Saturday we'll go out and start it, then due to my dad's church and work responsibilities, we'll return to church and work until Thursday-next when we will in earnest pick up where we left off Saturday and ride until we reach ocean, hopefully the Atlantic.

It'll be hard.
It'll be hot.
It'll be a challenge.
It'll be torture listening to my dad sing bluegrass songs while panting uphill.

But I think we can do it.

Tuesday morning we did a 20 mile ride before work and it felt fine. We've done the 30 mile ride to Sedalia at least twice and the more than 20 mile ride to Cifax half a dozen times. Sure, none of that is 50 or 60 miles, but I think we can actually pull this off.

huh. Who'da thunk?

1 comment:

  1. Incredible! That is so awesome. You can totally do it! Can't wait to hear all about it! See ya soon!
