Welp, here's the rest of the ride!! Not nearly as eventful as day one, but worth blogging about.

We started there in Lexington, in front of some old church that has some historical significance involving Stonewall Jackson and the South (of course) but I was pretty anxious to get going so I posed for exactly one picture and took off.

After many hours, many stops, and many drinks of water, we finally reached the top of the Blue Ridge Mountains! It was an uphill 4 mile climb! We raced a semi for a while, but we let him win.

seeing that bridge was one of the happiest moments of my life. bridge = mountains OVER!
(You see that sparkle on my arms? No, I'm not a vampire, I'm just drenched in sweat!)

We entered Amherst County and a beautiful (and terrifying) downhill coast resulting in speeds of over 40 miles an hour and a lot of overactive tear ducts.

We only did about 35 miles on day two, but, c'mon people! We climbed the Blue Ridge Mountains! We ended here at this precious little restaurant where the service is slow but the food is good. Also, the AC was working.

We started again from the front of the little Diner. (please note the farmer's tan my dad is totally rocking and the horrid mesh wife-beater he is definitely not.)

We made it to Scottsville (our halfway mark!) in good time.

So we HAD to eat at Lumpkin's. Because, how many people can say that they have?

and we made it as far as Kent's Store before calling it a day. A really REALLY long day. A day I'd like to measure in units of distance. Miles, specifically. How about 84.

We didn't get an ending of day three picture, but we did get a beginning of day four picture.

we even found a friend

Mom is the greatest for driving around, looking up directions, providing us with water and food, and basically being the best ever.

We even got a little piece of the Carters in there!

We finished the day about 100 feet from where this picture was taken. But THAT picture was so horribly atrocious, I refused to put it on here. And that's saying something if you look at the ones I've let through!

we made it to Deltaville after more than 60 miles of boring, flat, uncovered road.

Turns out, however, that the ocean was still another 10 miles away. uggh.

But we finally made it! We sorta kinda crashed some girls' party but I don't think they minded. The feeling of the water and the sand and the relief all mixed together made the trip worth it.
I'm not going to do it again anytime soon and I definitely won't be riding in August anymore, but I can now say,
"I have ridden my bike across the state of Virginia. How do you like me now?!"