So, we didn't end up running the 5k. Or even walking it. It's kind of a long story but for time's sake I will say this: It snowed. There you go, that's the reason we didn't.
The visitation of both my parents was amazing. They bought me things, fixed my car, played board games, hung out, and basically made me feel great. However, the two weeks of 'vacation' has caused my working out to pretty much stop. Sad, I know! That, my friends, is why I've been avoiding this post. It's so disappointing for you and me.
But I'm happy to tell you that I'm back for reals this time. I've gone to the gym four days in a row now and, hopefully, it will be five tomorrow. Not all of those days were cycling class (in fact, only one was... whoops) but I feel that getting into shape is the most important thing right now.
My dad is ordering my shoes for the ride and we're discussing helmet styles. Any suggestions? I don't know anything about cycling head-ware. Also, color is important to me... the bike is red, should my helmet match? Or should it complement like a green or blue? Or can I go ahead and get the hot pink one? So many decisions...
Since the weather is getting nicer I can finally go outside and ride so coming up in the next week I'm going to get on a bike that is not in someway attached to the ground for the first time in over ten years. Yes, I will record and yes, it will be funny. I promise.